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BMS asset management - avoiding cybersecurity threats and critical business failure

Building automation and management systems play a critical role in the safe and efficient operation of buildings. Without proper asset management, these systems could be at high risk from cybersecurity threats or critical business failure.

Challenges often arising through lack of asset management include:

  • Hardware/Software can become obsolete (no longer factory supported)

  • Controllers get replaced over time, however difficulty arises when keeping track of changes

  • One component failure can result in full system replacement required due to old to new item incompatibility

  • Unexpected down-time due to unplanned works

  • Difficulties in planning for staged upgrades

  • System performance compromised

  • Budget planning a challenge due to unexpected expenditure

Utilising a capital asset management solution with BMS asset capabilities improves the planning of BMS assets. Assets such as servers, software, management and field-level controllers, benefit from such a solution through the provision of a detailed analysis of these assets in order to develop a detailed service, maintenance and capital replacement plan.

In line with AIRAH guidelines as well as ISO 55001 standards for Asset Management, eValuate provides a detailed panoramic view of the entire Building Management System for a single building, site or Portfolio of buildings. Identifying each component life cycle, Version and obsolescence.

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